Johnson Controls Logo

Johnson Controls LogoJohnson Controls Logo PNG

The Johnson Controls logo is global and inspiring. It radiates health, greenery, joy, and happiness, symbolizing the well-being of the Earth thanks to the corporation’s technologies. The emblem expresses concern for the planet’s welfare.

Johnson Controls: Brand overview

Founder:Warren S. Johnson
Cork, Ireland

Johnson Controls is an Irish corporation providing digital technologies and services to improve the operational characteristics of buildings, creating a safe and environmentally healthy space. The company spans 150 countries, employs 100,000 people, and has more than 2,000 offices.

Meaning and History

Johnson Controls Logo History

The company’s emblem has undergone gradual transformation, shifting the focus from the company itself to its mission. The symbols show the idea of scaling and globalization, reaching the planet’s scope. The company closely associates its work with caring for the Earth’s future. The logo demonstrates how modern technologies should serve the ecology’s benefit. Through multiple transformations, the company has come to the optimal symbol reflecting its values, capabilities, and essence.

What is Johnson Controls?

A European company with a net income of 2 billion dollars, implementing innovations to improve residential conditions. Among its services are automation systems, security, climate control, and air purification.

1885 – 1902

Johnson Electric Service Company Logo 1885

The logo consists of an oval containing a monogram, which was typical for that time. The letters encrypted in the symbol – EJS – are the initial characters of Johnson Electric Service. That was the name of the first company founded by progressive inventor Warren Johnson in 1885.

The letter J is the largest and is located in the center. Despite the involvement of another entrepreneur, William Plankinton, who was the company’s president, the main process of creating products was held by Johnson. His surname, written in the logo, later became the corporation’s main name, adopted in 1974.

The oval symbolized the shape of a temperature control device for buildings sold by the company. Round sensors served as the main indicators. The combination of letters formed a prototype of arrows. The closed figure also reflects automation. Johnson developed and patented self-operating systems (compressors, water heaters, condensate drains, etc.)

1902 – 1910s

Johnson Service Company Logo 1902

1910s – 1961

Johnson Service Company Logo 1910s

1961 – 1974

Johnson Service Company Logo 1961

1974 – 2008

Johnson Controls Logo 1974

2008 – today

Johnson Controls Logo

In 2007, Steve Roell came to manage the company. He launched the Clinton Climate Initiative program to increase energy efficiency in buildings. The change is reflected in the new logo with the name and a round emblem in the upper right corner.

The logo is nicknamed the “open globe”. It is a round white ball with blue, green, and light blue stripes extending from the center to the two poles. The figure symbolizes the company’s global goals – caring for the planet’s ecology as a whole and each building and room where people live and work in particular.

The globe demonstrates the company’s presence worldwide. Blue and green shades reflect the planet’s health thanks to the company’s digital solutions and technologies. The crossing lines indicate the interconnection between the technical component and life.

Font and Colors

The emblem combines blue and green shades.

  • Blue – represents the innovations and technological solutions that the company implements. It symbolizes reliability, consistency, and stability. It conveys the clear blue sky. Johnson Controls’ technologies can reduce the impact of buildings on greenhouse gas emissions by 100%. Blue and light blue are also present in the name of the comprehensive system – OpenBlue.
  • Green – represents eco-friendliness, a healthy climate, and optimal living conditions.

The name is executed in a rounded, streamlined blue font called Corisande Bold, representing Johnson Controls as an expert in digital and engineering services. The smooth glyphs demonstrate the optimality and ideal conditions created in spaces.

Johnson Controls color codes

Medium Electric BlueHex color:#00559f
RGB:0 85 159
CMYK:100 47 0 38
Pantone:PMS 2945 C
BlueHex color:#0681b6
RGB:6 129 182
CMYK:97 29 0 29
Pantone:PMS 7704 C
Blizzard BlueHex color:#00bce4
RGB:0 188 228
CMYK:100 18 0 11
Pantone:PMS 312 C
Maximum Blue GreenHex color:#00b6c4
RGB:0 182 196
CMYK:100 7 0 23
Pantone:PMS 7466 C
FernHex color:#6cc071
RGB:108 192 113
CMYK:44 0 41 25
Pantone:PMS 7479 C
Yellow GreenHex color:#8cc640
RGB:140 198 64
CMYK:29 0 68 22
Pantone:PMS 7488 C